This blog is a direct result of having written and published the book KLONOPIN LUNCH, and the responses that it got. Which were great. Some people loved it, some hated it. Some people loved me, others...well...not so much. The point is that nobody was lukewarm about it, and who can blame them? I put my dirty linen out on the front lawn (by writing a book about my extra-marital affair that ended the marriage) and NOT commenting on its presence, and potentially disturbing presence at that, would be weird, right? And if I didn't want a reaction I wouldn't have published it. So, all's fair.
But the most interesting part of the process for me was realizing that what readers were really responding to was that a woman decided to tell the unvarnished, raw, ugly, funny and unapologetic truth. Because....wait for it.....NICE GIRLS DON'T SAY THAT!
We're all brought up to speak a certain way, only about certain things, not to speak about certain other things, and definitely don't even THINK about a whole bunch of other stuff. And that didn't sit too well with me. Why not talk about what we're not supposed to? What will happen? Will men be horrified, shrivel up and die in our presence? Will aliens invade the planet with Mars Attacks ray guns, turning us to radioactive dust where we stand? Will we be subjected to endless Honey Boo-Boo marathons until we just give in and shut up again? These do not seem like likely outcomes.
So I am embarking on a journey, quest, investigation, whatever you want to call it, to find out what American women are not saying. The research will begin right here, in New York City, and eventually take me to parts unknown across the country. As I meet women (and men) with jobs, backgrounds, educations and families of all different shapes and sizes, I'll report back with what I hear. And as the picture of who the American woman is and what her voice sounds like comes together, you'll be the first to know.