Jessica Dorfman Jones has been a lawyer, a literary agent, a book packager, a publicist, an editor and a ghostwriter. She's also an eavesdropper, buttinsky and sly cocktail party guest. Jessica's voracious appetite for knowledge about the world around her, the people she meets, why they do what they do and why she does the crazy stuff she does all combine to make her an observant writer who frequently puts her own life on the page to get a larger conversation going.
Jessica Jones' inquiring mind has prompted her to write articles and books which have been published as well as optioned for film and television. Jessica's provocative sensibilities have also inspired other people to write about her, sometimes very nicely and sometimes not. But, as Oscar Wilde would have it, at least they're talking.
1) Jessica has been a ghostwriter for clients ranging from international companies’ CEOs to chefs, psychiatrists, musicians and everyday people who have faced extraordinary situations. It’s never dull, always educational, and the source of several lasting friendships.
2) During her stint as a book packager, Jessica created and wrote THE ART OF CHEATING: A NASTY LITTLE BOOK FOR TRICKY LITTLE SCHEMERS AND THEIR HAPLESS VICTIMS. That book landed her on Geraldo, Inside Edition , and most notably CNN. Jessica may be the first person to have used the word "bonehead" on air with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf Blitzer called her an idiot.
3) Jessica wrote KLONOPIN LUNCH, a steamy, funny, passionate and occasionally downright alarming recounting of a particularly transformative part of her life. To her infinite relief, despite threats on various blogs, no one brought a gun to her readings.
4) A die hard New Yorker, Jessica does not have a driver's license
5) Jessica is a small-dog enthusiast and occasionally makes hers wear outfits. He likes it.
6) While an agent, she found the manuscript for LEGALLY BLONDE in the slush pile, developed it, and sold it to United Artists. Jessica is still waiting for Reese Witherspoon to take her to lunch.
7) As a book packager, Jessica has created over twenty illustrated books for publishers about pop-culture, music, cooking, and entertaining. She has also produced private publications for artists and art collectors.
8) Jessica has a Victrola and isn’t afraid to use it.
9) Jessica upped her cooking game during the pandemic and now knows how to debone a chicken.
10) Jessica is at work on her next book, Manalysis, exploring what happens when a Gen-Xer realizes that the problem with all of her romantic relationships is her.